Our Cancellation, Deposit & Refund Policies

Cancellation, Refunds And Deposits:

We REQUIRE a deposit on ALL services booked thru our portal, it prevents others from scheduling the time and date you've requested and customers from not showing up and us losing a spot that someone else could have gotten scheduled for and keeps people are are not serious about getting services away and wasting everybody's time. Our deposit is a MINIMUM of $25 of the total invoice amount and that comes off the bill at the end. Cancellations happen and we understand things do pop up... But if we lose a day that cost us money so we try to keep cancellations to a minimum, now if you do have to cancel for whatever reason we ask that you do it as soon as possible so we can recover that time slot with another client, however regardless of what the reason is for cancellation we DO NOT refund deposits. If you cancel we will either gladly reschedule you for a better time or we can always give you credit on your Big Tom's Account in the amount your deposit was for so that you can use it at a later time. **IF YOU BOOK A SERVICE LATE IN THE DAY CLOSE TO OUR CLOSING TIME AND THE SERVICE PUTS US PAST THE CLOSING TIME WE WILL NOT ACCEPT THE BOOKING AND WILL CALL YOU TO FIGURE OUT A BETTER DATE AND TIME.. IF YOU DO NOT ANSWER WHEN WE CALL TO RESCHEDULE OR CONFIRM A NEW DATE AND TIME THE DEPOSIT YOU MADE WILL NOT BE REFUNDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO MAKE A NEW DEPOSIT ON THE NEW SCHEDULED DATE AND TIME.

Disclaimers And Policies:

If you have any questions or concerns, please call us before you book your service, once you place your order and make your deposit we can not refund it if you made an error. Please call us 7 days a week at 352-205-5911 and we will gladly assist you! Big Tom's Detailing Staff